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Picture of Ame Creglow, M.S.

Ame Creglow, M.S.

Author Bio

Ame brings a wealth of experience in Talent Management to Perceptyx, having partnered with more than a dozen Fortune 100 clients from a wide variety of industries on Employee Surveys, Manager Effectiveness and Upward Feedback, 360 degree and Leadership development programs, Assessments and Succession Planning. She has over 30 years of experience in consulting, operations, and customer experience from a survey program perspective for both Gallup and IBM, formerly Kenexa. This work has encompassed numerous studies linking business metrics to talent management programs, including a meta-analytic study which appears in First, Break All the Rules. In her current role as a Senior Workforce Transformation Consultant, she specializes in helping clients develop strategic employee survey programs and uncover meaningful insights from their people analytics data. Ame holds a B.A. in Public Relations from Loras College and an M.S. in Organizational Research from Gallup University

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