Perceptyx Blog

How to Avoid Analysis Paralysis When Using Employee Listening Data

Written by Christian Roome | October 9, 2023 6:06:36 PM Z

In a workplace inundated with data and analytics, one of the most formidable obstacles hindering change within teams, departments, and entire organizations is the phenomenon colloquially known as "analysis paralysis." This term describes the crippling inability to make decisive actions, often arising from the overcomplication or excessive scrutiny of a given problem.

Rather than serving as a catalyst for meaningful action, the overwhelming volume of survey data frequently serves as quicksand — pulling individuals, teams, and leaders deeper into a mire of indecision. The idea that just one more analysis, or perhaps one more after that, will unveil the elusive "perfect solution" becomes an intoxicating, yet ultimately paralyzing, mantra. What results is stagnation: teams find themselves trapped in an ongoing cycle of evaluation and reevaluation until the data that triggered the analysis in the first place becomes obsolete, or worse, irrelevant.

In this state, organizations squander not just time but also the invaluable insights that well-designed surveys are intended to provide. This lapse often perpetuates systemic issues, obstructs strategic initiatives, and stifles the kind of innovative thinking that drives competitive advantage. As a result, understanding and mitigating the implications of analysis paralysis is not merely an operational concern, but a critical business imperative that demands our attention.

Dealing with Analysis Paralysis

In the early stages of my career as an employee survey consultant, I was dispatched to a division of a prominent client to discuss the impending launch of the survey's second wave. Astonishingly, upon my arrival — nine months after they had initially received their survey data — they inquired whether it was time to share the results with the broader organization. The division had devoted the intervening months to internal deliberations, exploring what their focal points should be, identifying additional information needs, and meticulously dissecting the existing data. Now on the cusp of communicating their findings and subsequent decisions to the company at large, they sought my guidance on any further analyses that might be conducted beforehand. It was a belated juncture to be contemplating such matters. Consequently, we dedicated the day to strategizing how to disseminate the long-overdue data throughout the organization, while sidestepping the perception that they had neglected to do so.

This issue can strike any part of a business as the decisions can seem so important and the sources of information so varied — and it becomes worse when increasingly sophisticated reporting and analytics tools are coupled with highly detailed employee data files, making it possible to request one more focus group, one more data cut, or one more correlation analysis. 

Analysis Paralysis Inhibits Action Planning

All of this serves to delay the implementation of what is designed to be a simple 1-2-3 action planning process in response to survey results.

  1. Select 1 issue/focus area.
  2. Do 2 things to drive improvements in this area.
  3. Communicate and seek feedback at least 3 times.

What steps can you take to ensure that you don’t fall prey to analysis paralysis? 

  • Be clear about what you want to achieve: Focus on those areas which will be valuable to your part of the business. Concentrate on areas that are either shown to be important to your team members (by engagement drivers, comments, or topics raised when discussing the results) or align with your team and organizational goals. Don’t waste time deep diving into areas which are not going to be of benefit to your employees or your team or organization.

  • Set boundaries of your investigation. Another consideration is to make sure you focus on areas where you can have an impact. Surveys often have items at the manager, team, department, senior leader, and company levels.  It is likely that not all of these items will be directly within your span of control. For instance, if your employees are showing real concerns about pay and benefits, you can acknowledge these concerns and let your team know you’ll pass those concerns to the appropriate function, but it is unlikely there is much you can specifically do to improve sentiment in this area.  For your action plan, focus on those things that you have control over. 

  • Recognize the limitations of your data. Employee sentiment research is incredibly valuable, but doesn’t come without its flaws.  Employees can interpret items differently than intended, or their results may be impacted by external factors.  And, because items are often interrelated, it can make it difficult to pinpoint specific solutions.  If you’ve looked for the answer to a particular question and can’t find it, consider more creative ways to design your listening program in the future (perhaps by crowdsourcing solutions to critical problems), but don’t wait for the results of that deeper dive before acting on another focus area within your data, if there is one.

  • Set a time limit by when you will make your decision. Further review is sometimes necessary in order to gauge a deep understanding of your results. In addition to holding a team feedback discussion, which is always recommended, we might examine what other information is available within the reporting product, or conduct focus groups to dive deeper.  However, the most mature organizations move swiftly toward action to show how much they value the feedback, are listening, and are planning a response. Organizations with strong action planning strategies will communicate  a date by which you will have made your decision and another date by which leaders should develop and input an action plan. This date will vary from organization to organization but we would suggest that an action plan should be in place a month after you have shared the survey result

  • Involve other stakeholders. When you are struggling to bring your analysis into focus or understand what might be possible, often the best thing to do is to get out of the way and let others have an opinion. This might be your team members or other parts of the organization who understand the focus area. It is amazing how a fresh pair of eyes can see the forest for the trees. I often find that the solution to an analytics problem comes when I explain it to others — the actual act of explaining the issue concentrates my mind.

  • Shift your focus. When grappling with elusive answers or incomplete data sets, it may be more productive to pivot rather than remain stuck in a quagmire of uncertainty. If actionable insights are not readily gleaned or plans can't be executed due to insufficient information, consider setting aside the problematic area temporarily until more robust data becomes available. Instead, concentrate on another dimension of the organization where the path to action is more discernible. The pitfalls of conducting an employee survey and subsequently shelving the results are numerous — ranging from reduced employee morale to missed strategic opportunities. Therefore, redirecting attention to an area where actionable steps can be clearly identified may not only keep the momentum going but also demonstrate agility and responsiveness as a leader. Communicating the rationale behind this pivot is crucial. Whether you're reporting up the chain of command or managing a team, transparency is key. Explain the limitations you've encountered and present an alternative plan of action. Such candid communication is likely to foster understanding and buy-in from stakeholders, even if the shift may initially disappoint some. This proactive approach not only keeps initiatives moving but also enhances your credibility as someone capable of making thoughtful decisions even when faced with constraints.

Perceptyx Can Help You Act and Drive Decisions Based on Employee Feedback

Are you bogged down in considering your employee listening survey data, unsure how to move from analysis to action? Perceptyx's advanced reporting features, a cornerstone of the People Insights Platform, offer a targeted way to mitigate analysis paralysis and decipher complex employee listening insights. 

Leverage the full suite of Perceptyx's platform capabilities in conjunction with expert consultation to break free from decision-making inertia. By doing so, you'll fuel a culture of engagement and catalyze positive change, overcoming traditional barriers and aligning your strategies with the actual needs of your organization. To dive deeper into how Perceptyx can help you navigate the complex world of data-driven people insights, contact a member of our team.