Perceptyx's reporting capabilities, part of our People Insights Platform, help drive organizational alignment by enabling a cascade of listening results to the entire organization. This ecosystem of data-driven insights can provide timely, executive-level results in lieu of a traditional, PowerPoint-based Executive Presentation (EP). While the platform's powerful reporting features deliver essential information, when paired with an executive consultation, these detailed reports and dashboards serve as a way to engage and involve leadership in your listening strategy, increasing understanding and driving positive change throughout the organization.
The Role of the Executive Presentation
The Executive Presentation serves as a pivotal bridge between analytics and action. This curated analysis aligns employee listening results with leader priorities, revealing strengths, opportunities for growth, and crucial points for action. Moreover, the EP allows executives to gain deep insights, ask clarifying questions, and collaborate to address the most impactful opportunities.
Most organizations follow a thoughtful, timed roll-out of employee listening results, starting with the executive leadership team and then continuing to the rest of the organization. This practice ensures alignment and sets the stage for successful action planning. The standard for executive presentations has long been PowerPoint presentations to illustrate the story behind the survey results. However, traditional PowerPoint presentations can be time-consuming to prepare, delaying the initiation of the results waterfall to other leaders. This means that line leaders may have to wait weeks to receive their results, further prolonging the completion of team debriefs and the formulation of responsive actions.
Reduced Time for Results Delivery
According to our recent Perceptyx State of Employee Listening research, the time taken by organizations to deliver survey results to managers and leaders has decreased. In 2023, only 30% of organizations took more than four weeks to share results with managers, a substantial decrease from the 40% reported in the 2022 study. Minimizing the time between data collection and action is a critical aspect of listening maturity, and many organizations are focusing on improving this aspect. However, speed is just one facet of listening maturity; as listening programs evolve, it’s important that the reporting approach progresses as well to maximize speed and efficiency.
The Need for Agility and Data Integration
As organizations incorporate more listening channels and collect new data, they also need to identify innovative ways to report and share results for maximum impact. Agility becomes a crucial element of mature listening programs, as organizations must be flexible in addressing emerging issues and actioning as quickly as possible. Furthermore, integrating data from various listening channels and external metrics requires in-depth analysis and expertise to reveal meaningful connections and outcomes related to the employee experience.
Traditionally, executives have come to expect well-polished and robust PowerPoint presentations to review survey results. While PowerPoint presentations still hold value, advances in listening technology offer alternatives that better align with the speed, agility, and integration required for mature programs. The Perceptyx People Insights Platform provides real-time data and robust reporting capabilities, enabling leaders to quickly digest results and take immediate action. This same technology can be leveraged for executive presentations, providing numerous benefits.
The Benefits of Perceptyx’s Native Reporting Capabilities
Utilizing the Perceptyx People Insights Platform for executive presentations offers several key benefits. These include:
- Speed and Efficiency: One of the primary benefits of utilizing the Perceptyx People Insights Platform for executive presentations is the significant improvement in speed and efficiency. During the survey administration phase, all necessary preparation work, including site configuration, can be completed. As soon as the survey closes, the platform is ready to present the results to leaders. This eliminates delays in sharing results, enabling leaders to receive timely insights and take immediate action.
- Cost Savings: Custom, labor-intensive presentations can be costly, particularly for organizations conducting multiple surveys or those desiring more hands-on consultation for multiple leaders. By leveraging the Perceptyx People Insights Platform, organizations can reduce expenses associated with creating and formatting custom presentations. The platform provides a cost-effective alternative to PowerPoint that still allows our in-house consultants to deliver in-depth insights and recommendations.
- Enhanced Executive Results Consultation Experience: The experience of an executive results consultation within the reporting site differs significantly from a traditional PowerPoint presentation. In the reporting platform, Perceptyx consultants have the freedom to explore the results based on leaders' specific interests and questions. Unlike curated stories crafted based on anticipated needs, the reporting site allows consultants to answer leaders' inquiries live and address the issues that are top of mind for them at the moment. This level of flexibility fosters a more dynamic and engaging experience for leaders.
- Interactive Q&A: The Perceptyx People Insights Platform facilitates interactive engagement between consultants and leaders. Rather than simply presenting information to leaders, the platform enables consultants to involve leaders in an experiential discussion. This interactive dynamic holds considerable power when it comes to motivating leaders to take action. By allowing leaders to actively participate in the analysis and discovery process, they can experience "ah-ha" moments of inspiration, leading to a greater sense of ownership and a stronger inclination to act upon the insights gained.
- Build Internal Expertise: By facilitating discussion through the Perceptyx platform, organizations can also cultivate internal expertise among their leaders. In addition to receiving the necessary insights, leaders gain a deeper understanding of how the valuable insights were uncovered. They become familiar with the tools and techniques used to extract meaningful information from the data. This not only enhances their ability to address their own questions and needs effectively but also contributes to the development of a credible and impactful listening program within the organization.
By leveraging the platform's capabilities, organizations can streamline their executive presentations, provide more impactful insights to leaders, and drive action throughout the organization.
Situations Benefiting from Executive Results Consultation
While PowerPoint presentations remain valuable for many organizations, there are situations where faster, more efficient, and interactive alternatives are preferable. The following scenarios benefit from executive results consultation within the reporting site:
- Urgent Need for Speed: Organizations requiring immediate results for their leaders can benefit greatly from the Perceptyx People Insights Platform. Consultants can walk leaders through the results in real time, providing deep insights, external context, and recommendations without the time-consuming process of building and iterating slides. A concise executive summary slide can supplement the walkthrough for documentation purposes.
- Diverse Listening Channels: As organizations incorporate new listening channels such as lifecycle surveys, targeted pulse surveys, or 360-degree feedback, each necessitates a tailored approach for delivering insights to leaders. While a short pulse survey may not warrant a full PowerPoint presentation, leaders still require timely insights from the survey. The reporting platform offers flexibility in providing the necessary information efficiently.
- Support for Additional Leaders: In cases where hands-on support is required to help individual teams understand and act on their results, creating multiple EPs can be time and cost-intensive. Instead, a consultant-led walkthrough of results within the Perceptyx People Insights Platform provides the same depth of insights while catering to specific questions and needs of each leader. This approach enhances leaders' understanding of data utilization and its effectiveness.
Regardless of the chosen method for sharing results, having the reporting features of the People Insights Platform available to supplement results discussions is essential. Anticipating every possible question with numerous slides in the appendix is inefficient. By leveraging the reporting site, consultants can address any emerging question with just a few clicks, ensuring preparedness and flexibility.
The Perceptyx People Insights Platform Can Elevate Your Executive Presentations
Organizations no longer need to wait weeks to deliver survey results to leaders. The Perceptyx People Insights Platform offers intuitive dashboards and robust reporting, providing the flexibility to tell compelling stories and explore insights wherever they may lead. Instead of following the traditional approach of relying solely on PowerPoint presentations, organizations can leverage the power of survey technology already at their fingertips. By embracing the possibilities offered by the Perceptyx platform, organizations can accelerate the executive presentation process and enhance the impact of their listening programs. To learn more, reach out to a member of our team or take our free interactive listening maturity assessment to evaluate your organization's listening strategy.