What were the most pressing issues for People leaders in 2022? The answers are clearly visible in the themes of our most popular blogs of the year.
Before we enter the brave new world of work that 2023 will bring, we’re looking back on 2022 and the expert content that helped illuminate the world of employee listening and people analytics.
1. 5 Recruitment Strategies in Healthcare to Address Long-Term Challenges
In healthcare, recruiting isn’t a minor pain point; it’s crucial to organizational success. Even so, focusing only on how to recruit healthcare professionals misses the big picture: Organizations need to establish strong processes that draw in high-performing workers while reducing attrition and promoting engagement.
In this post, Director of Client Counseling Lauren Beechly, Ph.D. outlined several effective methods for recruiting healthcare professionals who can make valuable organizational contributions. She highlighted five recruiting tactics that healthcare organizations should adopt:
- Develop a strong Employee Value Proposition (EVP), then communicate it clearly.
- Create specific messages for different types of employees.
- Establish a priority to hire from within.
- Market your job opportunities to the emerging workforce.'
- Make your hiring and recruitment processes as efficient as possible.
2. How Do You Measure Culture in an Organization?
In this article, Senior Consultant Kara Laine looked at key considerations to keep in mind when building an employee listening strategy for measuring culture. She offered three major points for consideration:
- To measure culture, you’ll need to measure the alignment of values between leaders, managers, and employees. Employees should understand what your company believes in. Just as importantly, they need to see leaders take actions that support those values.
- Within an organization, subcultures can exist. Leaders and managers may form “pockets" with distinct values that may not be communicated by leadership.
- Benchmark data is essential. Survey data might indicate that 70% of your employees have a strong perception of culture, but without context, that statistic isn’t especially helpful. For actionable insights, you’ll need to compare your results to other organizations within your region or industry.
3. Understanding the Direct and Indirect Costs of Employee Turnover
Employee turnover is expensive. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reported in April 2022 that the total cost to hire a new employee can be three to four times the position's salary. Principal Consultant David Weisser started with that direct cost data and outlined a method for understanding the potentially even greater indirect costs of turnover, which can help with budgeting while also telling us a great deal about the organizations for which we work.
4. Understanding the Changing Drivers of Employee Retention in Healthcare
In this article, which drew on Perceptyx’s The Healthcare Employee Experience in 2022: A Data-Driven Perspective report, Lauren Beechly and Hali Punteney evaluated the data from that report to better understand the impact of the ten most acute drivers of attrition in healthcare.
5. The Importance of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
In the first installment of a four-part series on how Perceptyx defines the four pillars of DEIB — Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging — Senior Consultants Tiffany Pires and Alicia Dean discussed the importance of DEIB in the workplace, DEIB’s specific impact in healthcare, DEIB and return-to-work policies, and much more. Critical to their analysis, and backed by Perceptyx research, was the finding that anti-discrimination matters most. For some organizations, current DEIB initiatives aren't effective enough to create lasting change. Instead, some organizations are working toward taking a proactive stance against discrimination — acting to ensure the organization is free from bias and handling any incidents of discrimination promptly and completely.
6. The Role of Belonging in Your DEIB Strategy
The concept of belonging, like the other components of DEIB, has suffered lately from definition creep and ambiguity. Belonging has a specific definition, representing a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and identity as a member of a specific group. In this article, Tiffany Pires explained how belonging “is the idea that you have enough security and support in the workplace to be yourself — and to thrive while doing so,” emphasizing that belonging belongs in every mature DEIB strategy.
7. Violence in the Healthcare Workplace Continues to Rise
Against the tense backdrop of a global pandemic, actual violence in the healthcare workplace witnessed a rapid spike. The assault rate at hospitals spiked 23% in 2020, per a 2021 Association for Healthcare Safety and Security (IAHSS) study, then was followed by a 48% increase in 2021 reported in a 2022 National Nurses United survey. Director of Research and Insights Emily Killham analyzed a Perceptyx survey of 1,095 healthcare workers showing that violence continued to remain high, with 9 out of 10 survey respondents reporting that they experienced or were in close proximity to violence from a patient or a patient’s caregiver in the past month.
8. Warning: Your Employee Engagement Scores May Be Lower Than They Appear
In this article, Principal Consultant David Weisser discussed how stable survey ratings can, at times, obscure the truth of an organization’s culture. When survey ratings increase but fail to reflect an organization’s reality, they’re no longer valid. The best way to get robust, trustworthy employee listening data is to measure what matters to people, ask good questions, and ask them often. Employee listening can and should lead to better understanding.
9. Why Men’s Perspectives Should Be Included in Your DEIB Programming
After Senior Consultants Heather Sager, Ph.D. and Tiffany Pires noticed a trend related to lower engagement scores from White males regarding DEIB programming, they took a deeper dive into the problem. Although men — particularly White men — aren’t a historically marginalized group, this data points to the problems that can result when a DEIB strategy is launched within an organization without a clear “why” that's understood by all groups critical to its success.
10. What to Know About Data Response Scales When Changing Survey Providers
When changing listening partners, accounting for a potential change in the data response scale used is critical to ensuring that any survey trends — comparisons from one survey iteration to the next — remain valid and are able to be tracked. In this article, Director of Client Counseling Jonathan Elbaz looked at commonly used scales, including the 5-point Likert scale employed by Perceptyx, and the implications of shifting from one scale to another.
Get Even More Employee Listening Insights from Perceptyx
When your organization is ready to take the next critical step toward becoming a world-class listening organization, Perceptyx stands ready to help. Our consultants work with your team to ensure that you’re asking the right questions via the best listening methods tailored to the needs of your organization and then quickly convert these data-driven insights from our People Insights Platform into meaningful action.
To learn more about how Perceptyx can help your organization trailblaze its path toward listening success, schedule a meeting with a member of our team. And to stay abreast of our latest thought leadership, click here to subscribe to our blog.